Promise For Older Workers

Townsville Bulletin

The Coalition government has announced that if elected, they will give older Australians, who want to work a few more hours, the opportunity to do so without losing their pension.

Dawson MP Andrew Willcox said older members of the community should not have to be restricted if they wanted to work a little extra.

He said the Coalition had announced a policy to allow retirees to stay working while supporting small businesses.

“Whether it’s fruit-picking in Bowen for a few weeks or driving a forklift to help a local business in my electorate of Dawson they should be able to choose to work a few more hours. But under the current Albanese government, the system is broken,” he said

Mr Willcox said the pension system unfairly penalised people who wanted to work.

The Coalition said if they were elected they would double the existing Work Bonus from $300 to $600 a fortnight.

“This policy will benefit 80,000 people who choose to continue to work a little extra to them survive as the bills pile up,” Mr Willcox said.

“No one wants to waste time and be stuck on hold reporting income to Centrelink each week.”


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